Smart News

Using industry-leading natural language processing technology (NLP) and data mining algorithms to organize messy news data into safe, standard, and orderly available news, and conduct in-depth analysis of real-time news, news hotspots, and news events, provide news knowledge, news leads, and visual analysis results for the media.


Personalized recommendation
Setting up users portrait based on users characteristics(static) and users behavior (dynamic) to achieve news intelligence recommendations and news finding.
News Clues
Based on millions of news clues,screening of valuable news to users automatically through machine learning.
Personalized recommendation
Setting up users portrait based on users characteristics(static) and users behavior (dynamic) to achieve news intelligence recommendations and news finding.
Information Customization
Display the news that users care about and saving time for journalists and editors surfing the Internet.
Event Analysis
Automatic aggregate event reporting,identify event entity,combing event context,statistics event report.
Comment Analysis
Aggregate event comments, extract hot words for reviews, analyze trend of reviews,statistical reviews geographical and commentary distribution.
Information Retrieval
Provides separate search for pictures, videos, and news, and the results are displayed in rows.
Create a manuscript by One-click
Pushing valuable news to the iMedia news publishing system to meet the needs of users.
Automatically identify the main entries in news, and give them entry notes to help journalists and editors understand news content in depth.

Technical Advantages

  • Leading professional and technical capabilities

    With tens of millions of news corpora, deep integration of deep learning technology and natural language processing technology

  • Personalized news gathering

    Provides news collection of existing mainstream media to support user-defined news sources and collection frequency (up to seconds)

  • Efficient and stable service

    professional operation and maintenance team and 7 * 24 hours of operation and maintenance services
